How Much Does a Suit Cost for a Soldier?
As veterans make the transition to civilian life, they have to adjust in more ways than one, says Jared Seyl. Denver is home to a major air base, while there are five more military facilities in the Denver metropolitan area. One could see veterans, fresh off their last days in the service, struggling to find jobs outside the military despite the presence of companies that engage in technology, logistics, and other fields. According to Jared Seyl, Denver veterans are very skilled in what they do and can shine if placed in the right civilian environment, but only a few have the resources to even go to job interviews. Many of them lack a car of their own, while others don’t even have a business suit to wear to job fairs or interviews. One reason soldiers struggle to fit into the civilian world is their lack of business attire. Soldiers are used to wearing their uniforms every day. As a result, many of them don’t have any reason to buy any other kind of clothing. Furthermore, a brand-new...