Jared Seyl of Denver Explains Why You Can't Find the Right Job

I'm Jared Seyl from Denver. I'm a fairly influential leader in people empowerment. I believes that some people simply haven't nailed the perfect job because their talents have yet to be discovered. Below, I share a few insights for downtrodden individuals to help them to fulfill their dreams.

You have all the guts, the knowledge, and the skills. You have spent years doing all sorts of odd jobs, yet it seems you haven't found one that you can be passionate about and really throw yourself into. You don’t hate your job, neither do you like it. So what’s the problem?

Below, I've listed down a few things that might be impeding your success.

Mistaken sense of purpose - Recent studies conducted on young professionals illustrate that majority of employees are restless in their current jobs not because they are not fit for what they do, or because of the lack of compensation, but because they want a greater sense of purpose.
Think of the bricklayer who, when asked what he was doing, answered, "I'm laying bricks."  When a second bricklayer was asked the exact same question, he answered, "I'm building a house." Which one do you think had a greater sense of purpose?

Counting down the minutes – If you think of your work in terms of hours on the clock, then you're probably not happy with what you're doing for a living. Philosopher Arthur Szathmary said, "Find something that you love to do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Even if the shoe fits, you don’t have to wear it. Just because you're good at something, doesn't mean that you should be doing it for a living for the rest of your life. Shaquille O'Neal is a surprisingly good rapper, but sports fans are lucky that he chose to focus on his main passion, which was basketball.

This is all just a fraction of the advice that I have to give to anyone looking to improve their lot in life. I'm Jared Seyl from Denver. Ask me more.


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