
Showing posts from April, 2019

Why Warriors Need Support Groups

One aspect that seems to be overlooked among veterans as they return to civilian life is the re-establishment of personal relationships with others, says Jared Seyl. Denver is home to Buckley Air Force Base, while five other military installations down Interstate 25. However, despite the presence of these facilities, veterans often feel like their skills and experiences aren’t valued much among the residents of Colorado. One effect of this trend is a feeling of social isolation. According to the Wounded Warrior Project, 37.2% of veterans interviewed in 2018 sometimes feel left out, with another 19.1% saying that they usually feel that way. While Jared Seyl isn’t aware of Denver data, he does recall talking to a veteran he met before who said that after his four-year deployment, he barely recognized the world and the people around him. In addition, 31.2% reported a feeling of isolation from others. Veterans also say that they need guidance, affirmation of their worth, social integra...

Jared Seyl of Denver Explains Why You Can't Find the Right Job

I'm Jared Seyl from Denver. I'm a fairly influential leader in people empowerment. I believes that some people simply haven't nailed the perfect job because their talents have yet to be discovered. Below, I share a few insights for downtrodden individuals to help them to fulfill their dreams. You have all the guts, the knowledge, and the skills. You have spent years doing all sorts of odd jobs, yet it seems you haven't found one that you can be passionate about and really throw yourself into. You don’t hate your job, neither do you like it. So what’s the problem? Below, I've listed down a few things that might be impeding your success. Mistaken sense of purpose - Recent studies conducted on young professionals illustrate that majority of employees are restless in their current jobs not because they are not fit for what they do, or because of the lack of compensation, but because they want a greater sense of purpose. Think of the bricklayer who, whe...