Veterans have their own traditions and celebrations, says Jared Seyl. In Denver, some of the more active veterans on social media have come up with a unique way of marking an unusual milestone in their lives. For these veterans, “Alive Day” is something that is theirs alone, something that isn’t exactly a federal or even a local holiday, but something worth remembering, if not celebrating, anyway. But what exactly is “Alive Day”? Readers Digest defines it as the anniversary of the day a soldier was wounded or injured. It might have occurred during an armed encounter, or it could be due to an ambush or a land mine, but the common denominator for all Alive Days is that it was a close brush with death. For Jared Seyl, hearing Denver veterans talk about their Alive Day makes him feel more than just the sentiment of “I’m so glad to be alive”. Sometimes, veterans’ stories come with a tinge of guilt, sometimes, even self-blame – as if they feel that they don’t feel worthy of their fellow ve...
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